Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Move It March!

This is an exciting month of activities!  The T1D asked a lot of questions at my appointment but I'm not sure where this whole "qualified candidate" thing came in.  Everyone said I had to qualify but she basically asked if I wanted to go on the pump and I said yes so we moved right on to which kind I wanted!  She was not pleased with my BG's and agreed that the pump could help me.  We're moving forward with Medtronic's pump.  I understand that the Dexcom sensor may be slightly more accurate but I like the idea of the complete system that Medtronic offers so that's what we're going with.  Check it out here (click on the pic to go to the website - and yes, I'm considering pink!):

March 5 IVIG (10mg prednisone)
BG Pre-IVIG: 128
BG Post-IVIG: 206

March 19 IVIG (10mg prednisone)   

BG Pre-IVIG: 239
BG Post-IVIG: 208

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Pumping It Up

My BG's are crazy.  One minute I'm fine (140) and the next minute I'm having a 34. This repercussion of this is that I take something - juice, candy, some sort of sugar - to get it back up but I don't know if I'm still dropping and/or how much to take.  And just how much active insulin do I still have in my system?  It's been 3 hours and 42 minutes since I last took JUST HOW MUCH is still in my system? 

I want to go on the insulin pump.  I've decided.  What exactly is the hold up?  If my A1C is in the high 7's (okay, 7.9) and the pump allegedly gives you better control, why hasn't anyone (my doctors/nurses) recommended that I use it?  Then I guess the next question is: which one do I get?  

To be perfectly honest, it isn't the pump that I want.  It's the sensor.  I feel like both my husband and I would feel better having an idea of what my BG is doing without pricking my poor little fingers, palms or even toes every 30 minutes.  All right, I don't do it every 30 minutes but there are definitely days where I have to check more often than others because I "feel funny" or I want to do something but I don't know if I'm low or high and the facts are that activities DO have an affect on your BG!

Today I meet my new T1D nurse.  She apparently is supposed to evaluate me and tell me if I am a "candidate" to use the pump.  What does that even mean?  It's MY Diabetic life, why don't I get to choose?  No one I know of on a pump says don't do it, they all seem to love it.  And if I want to stop using it, I can, right?

Today's BG's:

Breakfast: 227
Lunch: 162
Dinner: 160

I'm down to 12 units of Lantus (9am) and a 1:7 ratio of Novolog for meals.