Thursday, May 29, 2014

Maybe It's May

We met with my neurologist last week and the great news is that my anti-body blood tests have been sent off, so we only have a 6 week wait to find out the results In the mean time, next week will NOT be my last IVIG treatment afterall. I will continue IVIG but less frequently (every 3 weeks instead of every 2 weeks). With that said, starting today I get to decrease my Prednisone from 10mg to 5mg and then hopefully in a month, ZERO! WOO HOO! Next month, I will begin some CT scans with contrast - apparently causes nausea, YIKES - for more cancer testing. That covers my anti-body situation for the time being!

Now for the T1D: I am having an obscene amount of unexplained LOW blood sugars without change to diet, medication or exercise - yes I am more active but this does not occur during those times of day!  Yes, I have adjusted my pump ratios.  As much as I hate having low blood sugars, my doctors cannot explain it and are chalking this up to the possibility of my pancreas beginning to work again.  None will make any promises as there is no current test to prove this but since other organs are beginning to work again, they cannot rule it out. I don't want to get my hopes up so...WE WILL JUST SEE. I appreciate all of your encouragement and so many of you who have included me and invited me to do things with you.
On that note, let me invite you to join me for a special event!!

I will be walking in September - Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes- please join me if you will: TEAM CAUSE I GOT HIGH (for those of you who don't get it, "High" as in Blood Sugar). I believe it is a short 2 mile walk around the Capitol in Sac. on Sept 27.

IVIG May 15 (10mg prednisone):

BG Pre-IVIG: 113
BG Post-IVIG: 146

IVIG May 29 (5mg prednisone):

BG Pre-IVIG: 103
BG Post-IVIG: 110

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Jolene's Team - JDRF

Today I did my very first 5K with T1D!  No, I didn't run but I did walk as fast as I could (with my busted foot from our Euro-Trip) with 3 other teammates - Jolene's grandparents and my amazing husband!  Here are today's participants for Jolene's Team with Jolene in pink in the middle!
That's me on the left - #41 and my pal, Jolene in pink in the center!
BG pre-walk: 195
BG post-walk (as I crossed the finish line): 75
I got to have an entire apple with no insulin.  YUM!  It doesn't feel great to have lows and then highs - when you're in the midst of a low, it's hard to THINK, let alone calculate just how much of what you need to eat/take to get your BG regular again!  I did have my staples with me (honey, juice and tablets) but an apple hit the spot!  GREAT JOB JOLENE'S TEAM!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Here Comes The Bride

As many of you know, we were invited to be the God-Parents at our close friends' Romania.  WHAT?  Yes, Romania.  And what a trip it was!!  My amazing husband and wonderful mother joined me on this trip where we visited Austria, Hungary and Romania. 
My husband and I on the left, Bride & Groom in the middle and the other God-Parents on the right!
What an amazing and beautiful experience!  We had no idea what to expect but we couldn't be happier to have been invited to participate in such a special event.

Now...for you T1D's and traveling: there are LOTS of tips out there from numerous Diabetes websites and groups and if you are wearing not just an insulin pump but also a sensor, please be aware (if you are not already) that the connection between said devices is the same as cell phones - 900 mHz.  In the USA, cell phone blockers are illegal to use (not to own) but this is not necessarily the case outside of the USA.  A cell phone blocker will disrupt the communication between your devices and/or scramble your data.  There were multiple locations on this trip where my sensor "freaked out" or gave me some seriously incorrect reading, if not completely dropped communication for no reason.  On TSA's website, they do warn you that they can ask/tell you to turn your sensor off not just in the airport security line but also on the airplane itself.  May I recommend that if you have weird readings or disruption that you just go ahead and do this for a couple hours?  I don't know about you, but false alarms every 5 minutes are not only frustrating but exhausting. 

Moving on, EVEN IF you can calculate carbs like it's your job, expect to do some guessing while traveling - you're not going to get it perfect every time and you just need to prepare yourself for that.  And you're probably not going to get that juice box through airport security, so buy an OJ when you get through and have your tabs handy!  I also brought along packets of honey which tend to be very fast-acting (I wrote the carbs on them in advance so that if/when I needed them I didn't  have to "think" so hard) and are easy to bring through all airport security. 

ALSO - the pat down.  Medtronic Diabetes told me directly that going through any airport scanning device voids the warranty on my brand spanking new miniMed 530 G.  YIKES.  Whether it will truly ruin it or not, I don't know but if you are getting the pat down like I am, make sure you know how to ask for the language spoken in the airport you're traveling through.